
Summarize the events you saw in the movie in class Wednesday, then find an article about media being involved in bullying.  Do you believe that anxiety, depression, and other self image in teens are contributed to bullying on media?


  1. I found an article on and it links social media to bullying. Teens who suffer from deression or anxiety and are being cyberbullied have a higher risk rate of committing suicide because they feel more insecure and anxious of their peers opinions. Social media is very common amoung younger people and technology is continuing to improve each and every day which means there could be more cases of threats, comments, and lowering other peoples self- esteem. Twitter is also taking a stance on removing harsh tweets and people who are not behaving well on mass media and will be suspended starting in April.

  2. My article is on ( and it talks about how social media is not doing enough to prevent bullying on their sites. It talks about guidelines the companies could adapt which have, in fact, been recommended to them, but they have not complied yet. I think that a lot of teenagers are very sensitive about they are perceived by others, social media definitely exacerbates this. Social media can give teenagers a sense of belonging or fulfillment, but it can also hurt them or cause depression. So it is hard to balance the role of social media for teenagers. Adapting some guidelines for usage might help.

  3. I read an article on BBC. Bullying is really hard to prevent especially on social media. In the movie the principle said that he couldn't do anything because the kids can use fake usernames and it's hard ro determine who actually made the account and is actually doing the bullying. I do think that cyber bullying is a big factor in depression and anxiety.

  4. I found this article that talks about how the media is involved with violence and bullying. Cyber bullying is a big thing because a person can make a fake account on a website like we saw her friend do in the movie or are anonymous and you could never know who it is that is saying those things about a person. I feel it could do a lot more damage than face to face because when it happens online others can join in and agree and then it is there for forever and over time when it is face to face a person could forget about it but like I said it is on the internet for forever.

  5. Taylor wanted to be apart of the school clique but being online came with a price she was cyber bullied by James who posted untrue things about her. According to depression is linked to bullying especially since nothing on the Internet is private and is there for everyone to see.

  6. She was bullied because someone created a fake account and said a bunch of lies about her. It started because her brother hacked her account and changed her status. Her friend, who started the fake account, tried to stick by her and be nice to her after she said all of that false stuff about her. An article showed how a young girl was cyberbullied even after moving schools multiple times and ended up killing herself.
    I think bullying leads to a lot of different mental issues but cyberbullying creates a fear of going online so there is a total loss of safety online which leads to anxiety and depression. Cyberbullying can also lead to bullying in real life which can put a major strain on a person’s whole life.

  7. In the movie cyberbullying it showed how cyberbullying is such a big problem today. It's a problem because people can make a fake account or being anonymous on any social media/website as we saw Taylor’s friend did in the movie. I think this causes more damage cause it's not face to face and multiple people can comment and continue the bullying. If it's on the Internet it stays on the Internet. I found an article Megan Meier foundation this website showed me the statistics about how much cyberbullying does to teenagers. It says that social media is associated with mental health problems such as depression, sleeping disturbances, eating concerns, low self-esteem. Like Taylor in the movie once the rumors got out of control she started showing low self-esteem, and signs of depression. I do believe that anxiety,depression, and other self image in teens are contributed to bullying media or bullying in general.
    Bailey Arnold

  8. In the movie we watched Wednesday, I saw multiple events happen. I saw her disobey her parents by going on the website, we saw her become addicted to what others have to say about her, and we also saw what bullying could do to a friend group. I read an article about an 11 year old boy taking his own life because of bullying. He was strangled and called names, such as “gay boy” and “fatso” because of how he dressed and how intelligent he was. I believe that online bullying does affect teens to get anxiety, depression and other self images. I believe that because if someone is scared to post their mind because they're going to get a bunch of nasty comments and reactions, it's unfair to the kids who can post whatever they want and not get bullied.

  9. In the movie cyberbully you see a lot of brutal things said through media that can destroy anyone's self esteem and reputation and that's just what happened to Taylor. People hid behind a screen and contributed to destroying her life by posting lies about her. This happens in real life too. I found and article about a young girl who even committed suicide due to online bullying. ( I'm not sure why people find it ok to hurt others but I can see how someone being insecure could lead to them being a bully but that's not an excuse.

  10. I found an article on PACER Center that stated that more than 35% of high school students were bullied, 13% were made fun of or insulted, 12% were rumors, 5% were pushed, punched, or spit on, and 5% were excluded from activities.
    This can correlate to depression, anxiety, and body imaging on media because most rumors or insults are based on something that was put on social media. In the movie Cyberbully they show multiple scenes of bullying over means of media and this can relate to the stats shown. The actor in the movie displays multiple signs of anxiety and depression.

  11. I found an article on It states that cyber bullying and depression go hand in hand. Michele Hamm, a researcher in pediatrics at the University of Alberta, deducted that there are “consistent associations between cyber bullying and the increased likelihood of depression.” Cyber bullying is also harder to stop as much of it is anonymous. Many children who are bullied online are too scared to tell their parents as they are afraid that their internet access will be taken away. This causes the vicious cycle of cyber bullying to continuue.

  12. In class on Wednesday we watched a movie called Cyberbully. Taylor wanted to be able to fit in at highschool. Her mom got her a laptop for her birthday and she could finally get a “Cliquesters” account. From there on out she continuously get bullied online. I believe bullying can make anxiety and depression worse for a person who already has it. But I also believe that bullying can cause these things.

  13. In the movie on Wednesday. Taylor wanted to fit in with everyone else. And when her mom got her a laptop for her birthday she made a cliquesters, both her friends had it. Her brother hacked her page and changed her status and she was already kind of bullied in school, it just made it worse. And being on media gave everyone the chance to do it even if they weren't at school. I believe that media does give a high risk for kids to have depression and anxiety. But I think that being bullied in person would give them depression. Just if they were bullied in person and on media then I would definitely see why someone would have depression.


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