Colorblindness vs. Race Conscious

Are we colorblind in the United States?  Will we ever be? What is the difference between colorblindness and race conscious?  What did the article discuss about Deep Racial Inequities?


  1. This article, in my opinion, doesn't give a full background on the difference between colorblindness and racial diversity. Just because someone is color blind, doesnt mean they wont be racist. It is based off of how that said person was raised and it is based off of their beliefs of people. Colorblindness isnt a factor towards mental values and beliefs against or even with different races.

  2. I believe hat some people may be colorblind but we still have people that believe in superior race and with them having kids and raising them to think how they think then we will never be colorblind. If we stop be judging people on their skin color and by the person they are we will be a great nation that is completely equal to all races.

  3. I don't think that the United States is colorblind. We end up just clamming up about race rather than being colorblind. I think America could be colorblind. The difference between color blindness and race conscious is rare conscious is an awareness of a heritage shared by members of a race and blindness is to end racism by treating every race as equal as possible.

  4. I believe that racism is still alive and well in the US and probably will be a problem for a very long time. Colorblindness is the idea that diversity and individuality is good but it doesn’t recognize the racial inequalities that come with that diversity. Race consciousness is when someone sees diversity as a good thing but recognizes those inequalities. The article talked about how many people want to be proud of their own culture without taking blame for the problems and tragedies that it caused. It also talks about how many progressive people are going about solving racial inequality and sustaining diversity wrong.

  5. I think colorblindness is a hard topic to analyze. A person can be intentionally colorblind, which can be racist, or unintentionally colorblind, which isn't. Racism is almost entirely mental attitudes which influence physical behavior. You can think one way and act on it, but when you do act, you can tell someone you did it for a completely different reason. I'm not so sure what the validity of the Deep Racial Iniquities are. I'm sure my political bias colors this, but from my point of view, in the quote "they make use of coded racism in their lack of support for welfare and their concerns about undocumented immigration and national security" Burke is saying you can't be socially conservative without being racist, which I think is fallacious in nature.

  6. Yes we are colorblind. The difference between colorblind and racial consicous is that colorblind refers to colored not getting aknolleged, while racial cnsicous refers to their inequalities. The fact there so many color blindness ideals that it's hard to tell if it's racial consicous or not.

  7. I feel like as a society most people believe colorblindness isn't racist but I feel that as a society reaching colorblindness throughout everyone first then we can move to racial consciousness. I feel that if colorblindness replaces racial superiority then that colorblindness turning into racial consciousness and racial tolerance would be where we should try to be as a society.

  8. I think that America is colorblind. I think this because the way I’m seeing it is being color blind means trying to become more diverse in our world today without acknowledging current racial issues that are less often talked about. I think if we were more racially conscious we wouldn't ignore these things that go unspoken and we’d continue encouraging diversity while still exposing those subtle things. When the article speaks about deep racial inequities, I think it’s saying how when talking about racism we only talk about what was done to fix it and not everything that happened that was racist because that would make us look bad so we just ignore it.

  9. I think that some people are colorblind and some aren’t. Most kids learn from their parents. So if ones parents are racist then most likely their kids will be. I believe that we will eventually have colorblindness. But it will take a long time and who knows what will have to happen in order for it to happen. Colorblindness is when everyone sees the good in equality and and race conscious is when people don’t see the good and see inequality. The article talked about how people try and solve racial inequity. And just go on about their day and not take blame for what they do wrong.

  10. Yes I think some of the U.S. Is colorblind. Because some people still think that one race is superior and raising/teaching kids that were not colorblind. Colorblind is an idea of diversity and individually that's good but fails to recognize the racial inequalities that comes with diversity. Race consciousness is a person that sees diversity as a good thing but recognizes the inequalities. Article talks about how proud people are with their culture without the consequences it brought with them. It also talks about how progressive people can solve the racism and the diversity problems.

  11. I believe that some people are colorblind and some are not in today's society. I believe some beliefs or thoughts on race are based on passed down thoughts and feelings towards other races. Some believe that one race is superior to others, but in my opinion we are all the same and belong on the same playing feeling.

  12. I believe that not all the nation is colorblind but some are in today's world. I also believe that the nation will become completely colorblind in later year. Colorblind is ways of talking and thinking that affirm our belief in individualism without recognizing the many remaining barriers to equality. While race conscious is when someone sees hardship as a good thing but recognize the differences. This article discussed deep racial inequalities by telling us how some individual are proud of their culture but don't want to take fault for the bad things or actions that happen to them.


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