Question 1

How does protests, either silent or constructed, impact the United States?  What is the "Time's Up" Movement?  Have we seen other protests in the U.S. using a media platform? 


  1. They raise awareness on important issues and pave the way for change in America. The "Time's Up" is a movement that brings awareness to sexual harassment and abuse, and works to make the world a safer place for women who are at risk of facing it. Another protest I have seen that uses a media platform is #ComingOutMatters in which members of the lgbt community are encouraged to share their coming out story. This helps to spread awareness on the oppression gay people face and risk facing by coming out. It also helps make younger gay people more comfortable coming out and to not feel alone. I feel as gay rights is still an important topic, and there is still a long way to go until we have compete equality, but raising awareness of what many gay people have to go through can help to eliminate the oppression of gay people.

  2. These protests make a problem known to the public. They show the atrocities or wrongdoings by people in the United States at this time in history. The "Time's Up" Movement is a movement by men and women who believe that women should be equal to men in every aspect of life. Women and men in this movement believe that the time of gender inequality should be over. Another protest that is being showed in the media is the Black Lives Matter Movement which shows us the racial inequality still going on today. These people also believe that the time has come for African Americans to be viewed as equal people. Although, it started by being a movement just to make people aware of the murders of black people by police, it has blossomed into a large movement of people pushing for racial equality.

  3. Protests, either silent or constructed, impacts the United States by making people and the government think about the situation and how to fix/prevent them. A movement that's been in the headlines recently is the "Times Up" movement. This movement focuses on sexual harassment and assault towards women. This isn't the only recent protest we've seen that's been covered by the media. We've seen racial injustice and police brutality covered across the nation in not only headlines but live videos and body camera footage of the incidents happening. Colin Kaepernick a former NFL quarterback is a key activist in this movement, he is known for taking a knee during the national anthem to protest these crimes.

  4. They are organized with a goal or motive in place and recognize specific problems facing society today. A movement focused on sexual harassment in response to Me Too, Yes we have a example is the BlackLivesMatter movement

  5. Protest construct the impact in the U.S. In a strong way especially through social media. The reason is if one or a group of people see an issue they want to see change they can use social media to protest about that issue. That protest will grow if people believe in the issue that needs changing then they ask others to join. The "time's up" movement was started by a hashtag. This protest is about people who have been sexually assaulted and shared their story that want to put an end to this issue. Another protest in the U.S. Using a media platform was the Coiln kaepernick taking a knee during the National Anthem. He used the hashtag #TakeAKnee on social media to issue his problem and try to change it.

  6. Protests have been an important part of the United States, dating back to its inception. The first protest in American history was the Boston Tea Party, which was a constructed protest against tyranny. From this point onward, protests created social and legal changes to American society. Some examples of this include: the emancipation of slaves, voting rights and civil rights for African Americans, the 18th Amendment(Prohibition), and the 21st Amendment(repeal of Prohibition). Today, more often than not, movements are organized online. Currently, the "Time's Up" movement has gained momentum online. This movement has shown a light on an epidemic of sexual assaults in America, especially among authority figures, and encourages solidarity with the women who have been through these troubling events. Another movement that has primarily drawn its strength from the internet is the Black Lives Matter movement. This movement has tried to empower African Americans and protest perceived injustices, especially by the police. While this movement has drawn support from many in the public eye, it has had varying degrees of success due to what many perceive as an assault on those in law enforcement.

  7. Protest impact the United States by making changes in all types of things and ways. Whether they are good or bad. People have been protesting things for years. The “Times up” movement is against sexual harassment towards women. Other protests have been used by media platform such as BlackLivesMatter. Protests from the media have a better chance of getting out there, because everyone today uses social media. And what better way to get your opinion out there than to post or rant about something on the internet.

  8. Protest impact the United States by making citizens and govt. think about what the people are saying. If it's important to a large number of people it almost requires the government to get involved and look at the problem at hand. The times up movement is to rise up against sexual assault and harassment, although I think it's more for women it could be for men too.mAnother movement that used the media was The Black Lives Matter movement. Using the media is s smart thing to use because many people will check the news on their phone. And most Americans own one.

  9. Protests are usually a nonviolent way for people of a certain race, religion, or even ranking in the job field that they are in or a gender to express what they want either in changes or for rights they don't have that they know they should have. Some of these protests turn violent though. He people that start this may not even mean for it to be violent in the beginning, but when you have been fighting for so long for certain things like your rights they feel the need to make it violent so people will start paying attention to what they say and what they want. In The United States there have been many protests that have changed so many things in our country. One of them being the March on Washington for jobs and freedom that was "lead" by Martin Luther King Jr. to get he rights that they deserved and a big thing everyone remembers from this was Martin Luther Kings "I had a dream" speech. Protests in the United States are what helps us get what we know that we deserve.
    The times up movement is people saying that it's time for a Change and that they are going to make that change happen no matter what.

  10. Protests help inform people of an particular issue. The times up movement is about women speaking out against sexual harassment. Yes, we have seen other movements using media platforms. An example of one of these movements would be the black lives matters protests. Collin Kaepernick used his popularity as a football player to affect more people and the way they think about the issues at hand. He did this by kneeling for the national anthem.

  11. Protests bring awareness to different problems in our country. The media allows this awareness to be shown to many. The “Time’s Up” Movement is a movement that is bringing awareness to sexual assault in the workplace and gender inequality. A protest through the media is the BLM movement that is bringing awareness to racial inequality and racial profiling. -Dylan Smith


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