Article post

Reflect on the article.  What was something interesting that Maria Kefala was stating?  Did you find this information eye opening?  Do you have any experience that can relate to these situations?  Write 2 paragraphs or more on the question.  This response is due Friday.  We will also be completing notes tomorrow as well.


  1. I thought that women that lived in poverty thought the best thing that happened to them was having there child. This article was very eye opening and it's honestly amazing how they may not have what they need all the time but they are going to try to get what they need to make sure that their children have a good life. I've never had to experience anything like this in my life. I've been blessed with a mom that gives me everything I need and even a little more.

  2. I found it interesting that a 14 year old was trying to have a baby. The farther I read into it I understood a little more, but she still has time to go to high school and get a degree and make something great of herself. I found this article very eye opening. Although I don't have any experience with this, I feel like I can genuinely understand why they would have children so young.

  3. I was interested by the way she showed the point of women in situations that we are not accustomed to. I think it shows a very heartbreaking way of how women are trying to compete. I feel like they shouldn't be put in the situation where they should have to see a child as part of a competition. I feel that people shouldn't be treated with disgust like many people do who aren't in that situation. I feel that they should be met with compassion and helpfulness. We need to help these young women and if people who can do something with tax reform or programs won't then the voters should put someone in office who will. I feel that if our lawmakers spent half as much time worrying about other countries and trying to get richer or getting elected again as they did on impoverished communities we wouldn't have this issue in the magnitude that it is occurring at.

  4. I was interested in how the 14 year old girl has been trying to get pregnant. She told us that she's been trying to get pregnant since she's been able to. In my point of view that means that she was raised up to believe she should have a baby as soon as possible. This whole article to me is very eye opening. I believe that they want children without a marriage because they can bring you more happiness then a marriage can. Also marriages that live close to the poverty line usually do not last.

  5. The fact that mothers would fight for there kids and a better life is intreging. Even while in the system and raising a kid shows that women are strong individuals. Some mothers live in shelters and go to soup kitchens. Though poor mothers are able to provide for there family. Parents have no choice but toto beg for food on the streets or even just steal it. As miserable as it is they have not given up.

  6. One thing I found interesting about this article was when Maria Kefalas interviewed a fourteen year old girl who had been trying to have a baby for as long as she could. I found this interesting because usually someone that young wouldn't want to get pregnant purposely so it was eye opening to see that someone is willing to sacrifice their future all for a child when they haven't even hit adulthood yet. I'm not judging in any way in fact I think it's great a person so young is wanting to take on such responsibility, I just don't think I could do it. Even before reading this article I knew about people who have had children young and single who feel their life is complete now that they have a parenting role and this just proves my point.

  7. Something I found interesting that Maria Kefala stated was that a 14 year old girl tried to get pregnant since she could. Also that we get to see what women go through that we don't see or get used to. I found it interesting that the women in proverty are trying to get pregnant on purpose because they believe it will save them. It's really eye opening to see someone willing to risk anything especially there future and adulthood to have a child. I'm not judging what they want to do as long as there happy and take good care of the kids then they should do it.

  8. One of the most interesting things I have found in this study was the 14 year old girl trying to have a baby. It was eye-oening for two reasons: 1) The girl was only 14 and 2) She knows how she wants her life to be--with a child. I dont have any experience in ths kind of situation but it is a true blessing to have a loving family that would do anything for you.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. What I found interesting was that people her age were grandparents and they thought that she couldn't have children. I didn't really find it eye opening. But it just showed that people were having children at a young age and needed to to be happy.

  11. What I found interesting is the 14 year old is trying to have a baby. It is interesting in the fact that these people who live in poverty find satisfaction in having kids. This is eye-opening and shows the difference between the wealthy and poverty. Wealthy people find joy in money and having fewer kids and vice verse for poverty. I have to give it up for these moms that sacrifice everything they have to make their child or children's lives sustainable. -Kyler Edelman


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